Friday, May 10, 2019

Scripture to Meditate On

Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger… Ephesians 4.26

Well, I don't remember being taught anything about this back in Sunday school. Be angry? Quite the opposite! But here it is. And it's not just a suggestion. It's a command. The Spirit wants us to be angry. But if you think about it, that makes sense. There is much evil all around us, many ways in which people's lives are being ruined, many ways that Satan is trying to undo the good that Jesus is doing. I think that these are some things for us to be angry about and to respond to, being motivated by that anger. There are times to be nice. But then, there are times to be angry, even very angry.

But the Spirit also reminds us to limit our anger. He gives one example: 'do not let the sun go down on your anger'. We are not to be known as angry people. That's when the anger consumes a person. That's when anger is destructive of the person. We are to avoid that.

But being careful of the dangers, we are to be angry and to use that anger to bring about change in our world.