Saturday, April 7, 2018

Comment on a Hymn

Exalt the Lord, His Praise Proclaim

The Spirit has been making clear to me that there hasn't been enough praise in my life. I often give thanks for the many different ways in which I have been blessed by God. And I also offer up many requests to my God, looking forward to how He will respond. But praise is lacking.

It's important to note how praise is different from thanks. We thank God for what He does. Praise, on the other hand, is a response to who He is. We thank God for His deeds, and we praise Him for His character.

This hymn, which is based on Psalm 135, is a call to praise Yahweh. And it includes some reasons to proclaim His praise. So, take a look at the words of the hymn and consider what the writer was pointing to as reasons for praise. What qualities in God does this hymn laud and give as reasons for our praise?

Exalt the Lord, His praise proclaim;
All ye His servants, praise His name,
Who in the Lord’s house ever stand
And humbly serve at His command.
The Lord is good, His praise proclaim;
Since it is pleasant, praise His name;
His people for His own He takes
And His peculiar treasure makes.

I know the Lord is high in state,
Above all gods our Lord is great;
The Lord performs what He decrees,
In Heaven and earth, in depths and seas.
He makes the vapors to ascend
In clouds from earth’s remotest end;
The lightnings flash at His command,
He holds the tempest in His hand.

Exalt the Lord, His praise proclaim;
All ye His servants, praise His name,
Who in the Lord’s house ever stand
And humbly serve at His command,
Forever praise and bless His name,
And in the church His praise proclaim;
In Zion is His dwelling place;
Praise ye the Lord, show forth His grace.

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