Sunday, January 7, 2018

A Prayer


There are some of our neighbors and friends and relatives who still make New Year's resolutions. They see areas in their lives where things aren't what they should be. They want change in their lives. And that is good. We all have areas where things aren't what they should be. We all need to see more change in our lives.

But Father, the efforts of so many when it comes to changing their lives are misguided. And they are misguided because they aim at the wrong goal and work toward that goal using the wrong means. The goal is all about themselves and not You. And the means are their own efforts instead of depending on Your grace.

And so, we ask, Father, that You would keep us from becoming like them. Make clear to our souls that our lives are to be all about You. You are to be the goal of who we are and what we do. And show us how we have used the wrong means in the past, how we have depended on trying harder and doing more to bring about change. Teach us that real change can only happen if You bring it about. Teach us about Your grace for our lives.

And Father, we know that there are lots of areas in our lives that need to be changed. Lots. We ask that You would guide us in choosing which area to work on next. You are the one who would know best.

We are grateful, Father, that this whole endeavor of working at change is not something that we do on our own. We are grateful that You have blessed us with Your Spirit. And we are grateful that because He is with us to effect this change there will be change, good change, lasting change, change that will have at its core the goal of making You look as good as You really are. Through Christ our Lord Amen.

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