Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Musing on a Psalm

I have stored up your word in my heart, 
that I might not sin against you. Psalm 119.11

This verse has been a favorite of many. I'm guessing that most of them are more familiar with those versions that have 'hidden' or 'treasured' instead of 'stored up', but the point is the same. And one reason that so many have highlighted this verse is that it is a reminder to them of the importance of memorizing Scripture. It has been a popular proof text for that practice. However, while it certainly is good to memorize Scripture, that's not what this verse is about. Memorization is about placing Scripture into the mind. This verse is about placing it in the heart. There's a difference. The verse is about doing more than memorizing the words. It's about making those words a part of your life. It's about embracing the truths of the words deeply within. The distinction is important. There are too many who have memorized large portions of Scripture but whose lives have not been touched much by what they have memorized. And what good is that? The goal is a changed life.

The psalmist is quite clear as to why he has stored up God's word. He doesn't want to sin. He understands that any opposition to or even detour from the ways of God is a serious problem. It is, first of all, an offense against the God who has loved him so. Why would he want to do that? And then, sin always leads to some experience of death. It may be but a little taste or it may be much more. But even a little taste is repulsive. So, the solution? The psalmist has resolved to make the truths of the Bible a part of how he lives. Memorization may well have been a part of that for our friend. But, by itself, he knew that it wouldn't do the job. So, the psalmist thought about those truths and what they have to say about who he is to be as well as how he is to live. Then, he took what he learned and made it a matter of prayer so that those truths would reside in his heart and not just in his mind. And that is what it will take for us also. Living well is about taking Gospel facts and storing them up in our hearts.