Thursday, March 27, 2014

Being the Church: Membership

So, what's this thing called membership? Is it something the Bible requires? Or is it just some necessary evil to see who gets to vote at congregational meetings?

There are several strands of Bible truth that come together to create the idea of membership. Here's one. 
Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Hebrews 13.17
I have been placed as shepherd over the flock called Faith Reformed Church, called to 'watch over your souls'. One of these days I 'will have to give an account' of how I did at that. And I will give that account to the Chief Shepherd. I am going to be examined by Jesus. If I am going to be able to fulfill my calling and see His smile I'm going to need to know whose souls I am called to watch over, whose souls I will have to give an account for. I find that verse from Hebrews very helpful because it answers my question. I'm accountable to Jesus for those who are submitting to me as their pastor. Or, to say it differently, I'm accountable for those who have become members of our church. 

Here's one thing that happens when someone becomes a member of our church. He and I are entering into an agreement. I am pledging to be diligent in watching over his soul. I am promising to encourage him, to correct him, to comfort him, to instruct him and to share whatever wisdom I have with him. And he is pledging to submit to that oversight: to listen to what I have to say, to discuss those things with me so that, together, we can discern who it is that Jesus wants him to be and what He wants him to do. 

So, as I interact with someone, I ask myself one very important question. Am I this person's pastor? If I am, then I am so very responsible for him, and I had better take that responsibility seriously. It's all very different, however, if I am not his pastor.

Membership. It makes what pastoral care is all about so much clearer.