Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Sermon Excerpt

So, what do you do with all of this? Consider that genealogy. Think about Salmon or Achim. Their claim to fame is that they and their wives produced babies. And that's it. But God used that ordinary part of life to do something amazing. History will not remember you or me. After a few generations, all we'll be are some letters on a tombstone. We are just ordinary people. Relish that. And relish the thought that God is using your ordinariness. He is using the ordinariness of your day-to-day life. He is using you - ordinary you - to do something amazing. Your life - as ordinary as it is - matters. Enjoy that. And then, relax. And so that you can relax, refuse to give in to the world. It's the world that's trying to push you to become anything but ordinary. It's the world that's trying to get you to want to be someone famous. And aiming for that fame, even in little ways, is so frustrating. It's also very draining. You're not going to be the next Very Important Person. So, don't try. If God drops that into your lap, fine. But until then, relax. Don't be like the world. The people of the world are like that because they do not know the real God, the real God who takes ordinary people and makes them important just by their being ordinary. Those other gods are fake. They are just different disguises that Satan uses. And no good comes from listening to him. All he can do is destroy. And that is what we are seeing more and more these days. So, fight the world and the pressures of the world. Don't conform to what they are chasing.
from Ordinary