Monday, November 9, 2009

My Relationships with the Three

I’ve been thinking about my relationships with the Persons of the Trinity. I think that this comes from the way that I structure my prayers. In my morning prayers, I talk to the Father throughout my prayer time, and in the first part of my prayer I talk to Him about whatever my thoughts are at the moment. That might be something about being a pastor, being a sinner, being a saint, some question I have about my future or something else. I then give thanks for Jesus as Lord and Savior and discuss with the Father some aspect of who He (Jesus) is and how I might become like Him in that regard. And then I pray for the power of the Spirit. That will focus on some specific – wisdom, love, patience, etc. – depending on other factors. And then, I pray for my kids and their families, and the church and other people on my list come after that. I will pray about lots of different things during the day, discussing with the Father some thought or concern or question that I have. I actually do that a lot. Brief but frequent prayers on the fly. As a result of this pattern, I feel the closest to the Father – and I find that odd, though understandable. After all, He’s the one that I’m talking to. He’s the one that I open my heart to. I feel close to the Spirit because I sense His presence with me. He’s the one who guides me to do this or that. He’s the one who leads my thinking as I wrestle with some sermon. Of the three, I feel the most distant from Jesus. But I picture arriving at heaven with Him as the focus. He will be the one I will speak to when I get there. I often picture myself on my face before Him. But when it comes to a day to day kind of relationship, Jesus is third on the list. This seems odd but I’m not troubled by it since we are to pray to the Father. ‘Our Father, who art in heaven…’ And the Person of the Trinity who is here, with me, is the Spirit. Jesus, the Son, is away right now.


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