Friday, January 18, 2019

Scripture to Meditate On

I will run in the way of your commandments
when you enlarge my heart!      Psalms 119.32

There was one word that stood out to me as I read this. It's the word 'when'. (I find it fascinating how a simple word can make such a difference.)

The first line of this verse holds a bold promise. The psalmist pledges himself to run. That's a commitment to devote himself not just to work at obeying this or that command but rather to pursue a particular way of looking at life, one that is based on the commandments. That really is saying something.

But this is where the 'when' shows up. It adds a very important element to that bold promise. The psalmist knows that keeping that promise isn't going to happen until God acts. He needs to do something to the psalmist. He needs to make it possible for our friend to actually live in that way.

This is a glorious expression of the writer’s dependence on God's grace. If there is no grace then there will be no life of obedience. But if God gives this grace…

And our friend is quite optimistic when it comes to God acting in this way. He doesn't say 'if you enlarge my heart' but rather 'when'.

There is great comfort in living in this way, in believing this part of the Gospel. It is God's grace that makes the seemingly impossible actually happen. And our God is eager to give us all the grace that we need.