Sunday, September 2, 2018

A Prayer


Life is confusing. Not all of it. There are parts of life that we have a good handle on. And we are so very grateful that You have made that happen. Thank You for the different ways that Your Spirit has led us into greater clarity about some things. Because of Your kind grace we are not as befuddled as far too many today are. That's another expression of Your fatherly love for us, and we are very grateful for it.

But there remain those other areas of life that aren't nearly so clear. And that can be a real problem, Father, when we need to make some important decision. And we can't postpone the decision until we figure things out. Those are some troubling times.

So, we come to You, our kind Father. We know that there are things that we need to do so that we will be able to understand these areas better. We need to invest some time learning more of the principles that You have placed in the Bible, principles that will explain the various areas of life. But we have made our lives too full, and we are easily distracted. So, Father, make us more disciplined in how we use our resources, our time and our energy, so that we will learn from You.

But our hope is not in ourselves, in our ability to fill our heads with knowledge. Even if we had all the information that we would need to understand some area of life, we would still not succeed at living well. What we need is You. We need You to enlighten the eyes of our hearts so that the things that we know will actually make sense. We need Your Spirit of wisdom and revelation. We need You to change us.

So, we look to You, Father. You have promised to meet every need that we have. Here's a need. We need to be able to understand life better so that we can live it better and, in this way, do better at glorify You before the watching world. We look forward to how You will grant this request since we pray it through Christ our Lord, Amen.

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