Friday, August 31, 2018

Scripture to Meditate On

With my lips I declare all the rules of your mouth. Psalms 119.13

This seems pretty straightforward and clear. And yet, there are still some questions that we can ask that can give us more insight.

Here's one. Why would the psalmist declare the rules that God has spoken? One reason is that he is convinced that they are true and, thus, helpful. He knows this, as other parts of this Psalm show, because of what he has experienced.

Here's another question we could ask. To whom he might make his declarations about these rules? He could declare them to God as he thanks Him for them and the blessings they bring about. He could declare them to other saints to encourage and instruct them in living well. He could declare them to those outside the Church so that they would come to enjoy the blessings of a God who has given such good rules for living.

Here's something for you to ponder. How can you imitate the psalmist? (That's one reason why this sentence is in the Bible.) In what ways and in what situations can you declare God's rules?

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