Friday, July 13, 2018

Scripture to Meditate On

Oh that my ways may be steadfast in keeping your statutes! ​Then I shall not be put to shame, having my eyes fixed on all your commandments. Psalms 119:5-6

There are times when it's good to compare one translation with another.

If only my ways were committed to keeping Your statutes! Then I would not be ashamed when I think about all Your commands. Psalms 119:5-6 [HSCB]

That's better. 'Steadfast' is such a church word. (How often have you used it in a non-religious context?) And 'eyes fixed' is pretty close to a church word, too. (And it's not actually a literal translation.)

So, the psalmist here is longing for something. He wants to be the kind of person who is committed to obedience. He doesn't want to be content with half-hearted efforts. Committed to obedience. And what motivates him is something that might be surprising to some: shame.

Now it needs to be said that in the wrong hands shame can be a weapon that manipulates. Many are shamed by others into doing what they actually know they should not. Not good! However, there is a positive use for shame. Why else would God give us the ability to feel it? Shame can remind us of what we are called to be and to do when we fail in achieving those goals. Shame can move us to repentance and thus to change by the Spirit.

The psalmist was shamed by his disobedience. And it is that shame that has produced this longing in him, a longing that he has expressed in this prayer to God. And will God ignore his request?

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