Sunday, November 12, 2017

A Prayer

How good to know that the turning point of history has already occurred. Jesus, the Messiah, has come, and that means that everything is going to be okay.

Father, the world Jesus was born into was a mess. Sin abounded unchecked. Satan roamed free. Death overwhelmed all.

But by His life and death, His resurrection and ascension Jesus has changed all of that. The Spirit of holiness has come, and sin is being pushed back and back. Satan has been bound. He no longer has free rein to deceive the nations like he used to. Death has suffered its own fatal wound.

Jesus has come, and now we know that everything is going to be okay.

And yet, Father, there is a 'and yet'.  Sin still exists. It even exists in those whom You have rescued from sin. Satan's temptations still abound. The evil one has not given up. And we still attend funerals.

But we know that though these things are true, it's still also true that Jesus has come and everything is going to be okay.

We know that Father, but we still struggle, especially at times. Too often it feels as if things haven't changed enough. It feels as if everything isn't going to be okay. There are too many times when we find ourselves perplexed and confused. There are too many times when we are so tired of keeping at it. And so, Father, we come to You. We come to ask that You would give us the grace we need to continue to trust You. Give us the grace we need to continue to hope that one day everything really will be okay, completely okay. Give us grace to live according to the truth. Jesus has come, and now we know that everything is going to be okay. Father, we wait eagerly for the day when faith will become sight. Through Christ our Lord Amen.

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