Sunday, April 30, 2017

A Prayer

We know that the Gospel is all about getting to know You. This is what life is really about. This is how You designed it. And this is why Jesus has come, so that we could know You. We thank You that we have gotten to know You. We thank You that we now understand something of who You are.

We know that You are the one who sustains us. You keep all of creation going from moment to moment, and that includes keeping us going. It's good that we know this about You because it attacks our pride. We think that we are pretty much self-sustaining, that we keep ourselves going. All we need is a little food, a little sleep and maybe some exercise, and we will be just fine. How foolish.

We know that You are the sovereign who rules over all of creation. Before You created anything, You established a plan for what would happen. It's Your plan that is being followed. And it is being followed down to the very last detail. It's good that we know this about You because it shows how ridiculous it is for us to think that we can plan our lives and expect that plan to actually work out.

We know that You are the point of this creation. You are the goal. Everything exists for Your sake, to make You look as good as You are. It's good that we know this about You because it reminds us that our being here, living from day to day, isn't for our sake. We exist for Your sake.

We know that You are our savior. You are the one who sent Jesus to rescue us from the power and the slavery of our sins. It's good that we know this about You because it is so easy for us to think that we can rescue ourselves from remaining sin. All it takes is a little work. How naïve.

It's good that we know these things about You, Father. We are so very grateful that You have revealed Yourself to us. But there is more to know about who You are, much more. And so, we ask that You would deal with us and our sins so that we would give up our foolish ways, that we would turn away from them, all of them, and turn toward You. Father, we want to get to know You better because that's what life is for. Through Christ our Lord, Amen.

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