Sunday, January 1, 2017

A Prayer


Today, we start another year. And for some of us it's one of many that you have granted to us. We are grateful for the years that have gone by, years in which we have experienced Your very kind faithfulness to us. And we're especially grateful for that when we think about how unfaithful we have too often been. Your love for us has been so very constant when ours has been anything but. We have faced many trials and problems and hardships, but You have brought us through them all. Great is Your faithfulness.

Now, who knows what's going to happen in 2017. We certainly don't, Father. We expect that there will be happy times that we will enjoy. And we are grateful to You for those times. We do ask that You would remind us to express our thanks to You when we do experience those times. They are gifts from You and we sometimes forget that.

There will also be sad times. There may be times that are worse than just sad. They may be so difficult, in fact, that they will push us to our limits. We don't know the details, but You do. And You have told us, so many times, that when that happens You don't only bring us into those times but You will also get us through them. So, Father, help us to trust You when You send some hardship our way. Remind us of Your love and Your power and Your wisdom. You really do know what You're doing with our lives.
And help us to endure those times faithfully in the hope that whatever is going on is going to make You look good in some way or other. After all, You're worth it.

Father, we look forward to the day that doesn't merely usher in a new year but rather ushers in a new age. Jesus will return and together we will enjoy an eternity that is beyond what we can imagine. We long for that day, Father. But to get there we'll need to live through this new year. Help us to do that and to do it well and in this way make You happy.

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