Friday, December 5, 2014

God's Love: Favor

And the angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God."

God's love for all of His children is the same. He loves us equally. However, there are some differences. There are those like Mary. These, unlike many others, 'have found favor with God'. So, while His love is equally given to all believers, there are some believers whom God distinguishes from the rest.

How is it that these saints find themselves in this category? One part of it is that they get the Gospel. They get it better than others do. They have grasped more deeply what it is that Jesus has done for them and why. As a result, they understand what's really going on. So, their affections are turned more fully to Jesus. And that shows. It shows in their peace. It shows in their obedience. It shows in their repentance. It shows in their joy. The seed of the Gospel has been planted in the good soil of their hearts, and it has borne much good fruit. This is not something that happens by accident. They work at it. By prayer and wise choices they become the kind of people that God notices and sets apart. Because of these efforts, fueled by grace, they find favor with God.

So, what difference does this make? Well, here's one difference. These enjoy God's love more. That doesn't mean that God loves them more than the other saints. God sends His love to us equally. But some enjoy it more because they embrace the Gospel more fully. There is another difference. These are more useful for the kingdom. Here, again, think about Mary.

So, what needs to be done to become one of those who find favor with God? Actually, everyone knows what needs to be done. The real issue is wanting to do it.