Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Musings on a Psalm

In Your righteousness deliver me and rescue me;
incline Your ear to me and save me!     Psalm 71.2

The psalmist is in trouble. He is not specific about what exactly is going on, but he doesn't have to be. His instinct takes over - as should ours. Some trouble looms; he prays. 'Rescue me! Save me!' He does this because he knows some things about his God. He knows that this God has pledged Himself to the psalmist. 'I will be your God...' So, the psalmist has learned to depend on this God for rescue. Regardless of the source of the trouble, the psalmist knows enough to look to his God for rescue - a much better choice than becoming anxious. 

There is something else that our author knows about his God. And that shows up in the phrase, 'in Your righteousness' - something that we might be tempted to skip over as just religious filler. The psalmist knows that his God is concerned with what is right. He is the God of justice. He defends what is just and right. So, our friend appeals to that aspect of his God's character. 'I know that justice is important to You. I am suffering an injustice. I ask that You act in light of Your own sense of justice. In Your righteousness deliver me.' This gives added reason for optimism in our friend as he faces the troubles of his life. 

Knowing your God - the strength of His commitment to you as well as aspects of His character - will affect your prayers and will give you a solid hope that your He will hear you and act to do you good.