Friday, July 19, 2013

Ten Years

What's that on the ground? 
It's what's left of my heart. 
Somebody named Jesus 
Took up the pieces 
And planted the shards. 

And they're coming up green.
They're coming in bloom. 
I can hardly believe 
This is all coming true.
          Andrew Peterson
          'Just As I Am' 

It was ten years ago today that my heart was shattered. Completely out of the blue my dear wife, Linda, was taken from me. That was the worst thing ever to happen to me. And yet, Andrew Peterson gets it right. Jesus took up the bits and pieces of my broken heart and has brought good out of what happened. I have become, by His kindness, someone I never expected to be. Because of that I am of more use to His kingdom than I ever was. And that's why I can say that Linda's death is also one of the best things that has ever happened to me. Jesus has taken a great evil and used it for a greater good. And for that I am grateful to Him.

I look forward to the day when my time on this earth is done. Once that happens there will be quite the reunion. And best of all I will see Jesus face to face. But until then I will do my best to be useful in advancing Jesus' cause in His Church and in His world.