This is from Richard Baxter, a Puritan, in his Christian Directory. I found it challenging, to say the least. And there's more to come.
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If you love the world best, and set your affections most on things below, and mind most earthly things; nay, if you seek not first God's kingdom, and the righteousness thereof; and if your hearts be not in heaven, and your affections set on the things that are above; and you prefer not your hopes of life eternal before all the pleasures and prosperity of this world, it is a certain sign that you are but worldly and ungodly men. See this in Matt. 6.19-21, 33; Phil. 3.18-20; Col. 3.1-4; Psalm 73.25; 1John 2.15-17; James 1.27; Luke 12.20,21; 16.25.
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