Monday, January 24, 2011


Angels have mystified me over the years. I’ve thought about them a good bit, and I have my share of questions. Recently, I thought about Peter’s rescue from prison, Acts 12. The events there are straightforward. Peter is imprisoned by Herod. I’m guessing that he is expecting to be put to death just like James was. But that doesn’t happen. An angel shows up. No name; just, ‘an angel of the Lord’. He finds Peter sound asleep so the angel hits him to wake him up. (I found that interesting.) And off they go walking past unseeing guards and through locked gates that open by themselves. (Here, think: the doors at the Giant Eagle.) And once they are both outside the angel disappears. No further instructions. No explanation about why not James. Not even a, ‘Fare thee well.’

So, what is there to learn from this? Well, even though there are still lots of questions, here’s a thought. Angels like this one are a reminder to us. There is more going on in our world than what can be seen or measured. And after we have done all our homework about some decision and considered all the angles, it’s good to remember that there are angels. And they can show up at some of the oddest times. That can humble us and encourage us. The angels are watching and are ready to help whenever Jesus sends them our way.

‘Are they [That would be the angels.] not all ministering spirits, sent out to serve those who will inherit salvation [And that would be us.]?’ Hebrews 1.13

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