How odd to think that no one has ever seen the most important person in all of creation. This makes me think of 1 Peter: ‘Though you have not seen Him you love Him.’ And it puts heaven into a helpful context: we finally get to see the one whom we have loved so much.
The next phrase is tied up in textual issues: ‘the only God/the only Son’. In either case it’s about Jesus who has made God known. Does this also speak to OT theophanies? I think Calvin wrote that it was Jesus/the Son who appeared to the saints in the OT. Isaiah 6 is one clear example of this according to John 12. This links up to Jesus’ comment to Philip in John 14: ‘Whoever has seen me has seen the Father.’ If we want to understand who God is, and how He acts and thinks, then all we need do is watch Jesus.
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